At the beginning of the year I decided that at some point this year I wanted to get Rio entered into an agility trial and to try our hand at APDT Rally-O. Well, it’s now November so I suppose it’s time I make good on that goal.

The week that I was sick I filled out our Rally-O premium and sent it off. At the time I was too sick to be ‘worried’ about our lack of practice but it’s definitely hit me in the last day or two that I haven’t looked at or practiced Rally in almost a year. I haven’t even really had the opportunity to get back to training rally type behaviors in a while between being sick and having to catch up on the work from my week of illness. Let’s be honest, the last things I worked on with Rio was teaching him to lift his leg on things–haha!

My main goals, as always, are not Q’s or ribbons but to have fun. I’m not sure if Rally-O is going to be our favorite activity but I want to give it a shot! If neither dog has fun, we won’t do it again, but I suspect they’ll enjoy themselves. It may not be frisbee or agility but they really like to work.

Our trial is this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, there are two “trials” each day. We’ll be at three of the four trials, but our classes on Sunday will prevent us from being at the last trial. It’s being held at Splash and Dash out in Plum–thankfully it’s a local trial and I don’t have to travel hours to get there!

Hopefully I can find someone who can video our runs (though part of me is REALLY not expecting much… I mean, remember the post I JUST wrote about getting out of our dogs what we put in… yeah.). I can’t wait to share our experiences next week!

Have a good weekend everyone!!