I am looking into adding the Freedom No-Pull Harness to my “store” (which will have a larger online presence soon). I am a big fan of this harness. There are two things I don’t like about it but they are not huge issues: I don’t love the martingale feature on the back giving the dog a squeeze and I think they tend to run a bit big and fitting can take some time (though they fit well once adjusted properly).

Anyhow, one of the reasons I love the harness is that it comes in such a wide variety of colors! It’s great for us fashion conscious dog guardians. But that leads me to the trouble of picking the colors that I’d like to carry.

Here’s where you come in, I want you to select your FOUR FAVORITE color options that you’d buy (or up to four).

Here are your color options:

Alright, here’s your chance to vote… remember you can add up to 4 choices!