Tidbits of Holiday Laughter and Cheer…

  One of the things I love most about the holiday season is getting to spend so much quality time with my family… and the dogs…and the cats.  Since getting laid off in the spring, I’ve certainly had ample time to spend with the dogs and since...

Christmas puppies become summer teens….

When I was 5, I went to see Santa at a local mall, like many children my age.  Being the animal loving child that I was, when Santa asked me if I had been good and what I wanted for Christmas I replied, “Yeah.  A kitten.”  Now, I think this Santa had it...

Baby Steps Build a Strong Foundation…

During a recent agility class, I was working with a teenager who was frustrated with her dog’s trouble with the teeter and dog walk during competition.  She bemoaned that her dog did both obstacles at the training facilities where she practices but regularly...