Look MA! No hands!

The latest jargon for many states regarding cell-phone usage is “HANDS FREE ONLY!”  Well, I like to take that to working with the dogs by using hands free leashes.  I have a normal nylon leash with a plastic clip handle that allows it to be wrapped around...

So you think you want me?

This past weekend I was jamming with the dogs at the park (ie frisbee practice), nothing special, just playing around in the snow. It’s not terribly uncommon to draw a crowd of people to watch and occasionally they wait around to pet the pups or talk with me....

No drooling at the dinner table

When I was living alone in my studio apartment, I admit it, I let both dogs beg at my feet or on the couch next to me as I ate (I didn’t have a table or desk where I could eat).  For me, this was not a big deal.  They had excellent leave-it cues and would never...