Get Creative With Reinforcements

Reinforcement–anything that, when added or removed, makes a behavior more likely to happen again. Although I use and suggest food as reinforcement during classes, it is not the ONLY type of reinforcement that exists. Since food is such a common reward, for this...

You Don't Have To…

“I was told that a choke chain was the only way to control such a big dog.” “That’s surprising, the rescue said that we should get a choke chain because that’s what any training class would use.” “My trainer said that was the...

Wordless Wednesday–Rio and Meika

SJC blog will return with REAL posts next week! I a dog hair in my eye the other day and it got really irritated while trying to remove the foreign object. Now my eye is all red/inflamed/irritated and it’s difficult to type/work on my computer. So, I’m...