When it's done right, it's about the journey

I don’t know Shayne’s birthday… when I adopted her in the end of June, they said she was between 9 and 10 months old. So I’ve always estimated her birthday as around the middle of September (it works out since it seems many of my friends,...

Technical Difficulties

I am sorry for the lack of blog posts the last few days. After nearly 5 years, my laptop died. I have been stuck using a phone and a borrowed iPad to answer emails and stay semi-connected to the world since Saturday. Well, I finally got my new laptop up and running...

Does Your Dog Have C.L.A.S.S.?

I know I talk an awful lot about the CGC (canine good citizen) title/test but I wanted to share another program that I think, once it becomes more well known, will actually be my preference. The APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers) came out with a program about a...

Timing is absolutely critical

One of the best ways to improve the efficiency of your training is to really work on getting ‘clean clicks’. Clean clicks are properly timed and are done in a way that the dog is ONLY getting information from the click not from your hand entering the treat...