Behavior Logs

I am no scientist, mathematician, or statistician but I really do value data–hard and clinical data. We may have feelings about what we might be seeing or hunches about things but without real data, it’s hard to be conclusive and get a total picture....

Before relinquishing a dog

“I have this car, a 2002 Ford Focus. Well, over the years it’s developed a few problems. It still runs really well, it reliably starts, and is mostly a great car. But, you see, recently a headlight went out and a tail light followed shortly there after. I...

Contrary to popular belief-not good first time dogs

The other day I wrote about the the breeds I would most likely suggest for first time dog guardians. I figured a nice balance to that would be breeds that are not good for first time dog owners. When I got to thinking about that, the list would have been ridiculously...

Wordless Wednesday

My focus in canine sports is not the pretty ribbons, titles, trophies, or prizes…but I cannot NOT post the photos of Shayne and Rio sporting their placement and title ribbons from this past weekend’s Rally trial.! Rio with his 2nd and 3rd place ribbons...