
(Mostly Archived)

DBPM–How Dogs Say No

This is another body language post that I wrote last year for dog bite prevention week. This looks at a variety of ways that dog say no besides very obvious growl, bark, or aggressive tooth display. Even non-dog people can read those very obvious signals but it's the...

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Wordless Wednesday and contest announcement!

Alright, for the wordy part of my Wordless Wednesday post... Announcing the Dog Bite Prevention Month Contest I will be hosting a contest at the end of May through the beginning of June focusing on posts and topics having to do with Dog Bite Prevention. There will be...

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DBPM–To Pet or NOT to Pet

Here is a repost of a very popular Dog Bite Prevention Month post from last year. Keep and eye out, we will be having sponsoring a contest at the end of this month in honor of National Dog Bite Prevention Month! We have some great prizes for the winner! To Pet or Not...

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Last year I wrote two popular photo blogs about reading doggie body language. I'm going to re-post these this week on this blog while perhaps adding additional images along the way because I think they are important and include great examples of body language. Finding...

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DBPM–What Say You, Fido?

Dog Bite Prevention Month Learning to read canine body language is a big factor in preventing dog bites. We'll talk about canine body language quite a bit in future posts. But, perhaps MORE important, besides just knowing how to read canine body language, is doing...

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Ineffective Punishment–pt 4

I'm gonna go back and finish up our discussion of ineffective punishment from last week. There are lots to be said, but it's taxing writing about such 'sad' topics. Do not punish out of anger I wish I could say that this wasn't the case but the vast majority of people...

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DBPM–Keep Kids Safe

Dog Bite Prevention Month--pt 3 You invite some friends over for a movie night and your dog is resting nicely on the floor when one of your friends jumps up and down right next to your dog. She then drops to her knees and lays over your dog and rolls around a bit. She...

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Dog Bite Prevention Month–Be your dog's voice.

For my first post in my DBPM series, I want to talk about something that seems so obvious but is somehow often overlooked. It must feel like I harp about this but it has again reared its head--BE YOUR DOG'S ADVOCATE. Yep, it's that phrase again. If more people made...

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A break in the seriousness–a silly trick

Let's take a break from all the talk of punishment and of dog bite prevention to smile at my ridiculous dogs doing ridiculous things. I did a shaping lesson with Shayne about a week ago and she offered this really cute foot stamping behavior because she was frustrated...

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