Exercise your dogs…

but don’t OVER exercise your dog. Yes, you heard that right, you can absolutely over exercise your dog. For as often as I suggest that people need to increase the exercise for their dogs, I have at least the same number of dogs who need to, not necessarily...

Oh no a ____ stuck in a tree!!

Why yes…. Rio is stuck in a tree. Okay, he’s not stuck in THIS tree, he got down no problem but he does have a history of getting up into a tree and not being able to get down on his own. It is a little sad just how many pictures I have of Rio climbing...

Having food =/= compliance

It is quite the pet peeve of mine that people have such an issue with using food to train behaviors. I once heard a crazy irritating comment by a person with an out of control boxer/lab type dog. I had Shayne at some event and was using treats to reward desirable...

Pop-culture labels are not terribly helpful

 Labels Are Not Terribly Helpful   I have to say, that the experiences I had and the work I did while earning my Bachelor’s with a concentration in Psychology and my Master’s in Education are way more relative in my training career than most people...

An Observation of Prong Collars

I KNOW this may ruffle some feathers but I really did make an interesting observation this past weekend. I went to a HUGE canine event with Rio and my friend Monica (a KPA trainer) with her dog, Delta. This is an event for a greyhound rescue that is probably the...

Choke Chains are not ID holders!

Setting aside for a moment that I think the only good use for a choke chain is to hang up ribbons or hanging basket flowers, I want to talk about a terrifying trend I’m seeing. I suppose it’s something I’ve seen before but the last two doggie events...