The Great Spay Neuter Debate

There is no easy answer to this one. There are certainly benefits and risks involved with both keeping a dog intact and deciding to sterilize him/her. Again, going back to the big idea of education–it’s all about weighing the risks/rewards/benefits and...

Wordless Wednesday Rio's Agility

We are looking into the possibility of offering our “Sports and Games” class along with a family manners class at a new location about 35 minutes from downtown Pittsburgh (about 15 minutes from Monroeville) in Irwin PA. If you would be interested in either...

Rescue Responsibly

 Rescue Responsibly Yesterday I wrote a very…honest… post about eethical breeders, puppy millers, backyard breeders, and rescue propaganda. I can’t say it wasn’t scary to write such a post as there are lots of politics surrounding these topics...

Don't Shop, Adopt…OR ELSE!

Don’t Shop, Adopt… Or Else! Images just like this one are shared all over social networking sites like wildfire and these images/slogans are really bothersome for me. Images like this and slogans like “Don’t Shop, Adopt” are problematic...

Only YOU can prevent forest fires…

Umm… or the pet over population problem. I don’t think there is one single thing that would completely fix the fact that there are millions of dogs (puppies, teens, adults, seniors, purebred, ‘designer’ mutts, and Heinz 57 mixes) in shelters...

Pet Over Population Problem

Alright, I’ve been trying to think about what I’d like to write about and after last week’s post “The Responsibility of Rescue,” I’ve been stuck on this topic. So I want to take a few days and give you my thoughts on rescues,...