"Invincible" squeaker toys-important info

I have seen those “Invincible” squeaker snakes in stores for a while and I have been pretty curious about them. Are they really as durable as they sound and are the squeakers really still capable of squeaking if punctured. Well, I was lucky enough to get...

Neuter-day/ Say no to siblings

Yesterday there was a mini-reunion between Jethro and his two sisters at the vet, they are all being spayed/neutered today and were dropped off yesterday afternoon. Poor Jethro was pushed around by the girls and I bet it was like that before too–those ladies are...

Don't wait until it's a problem

I can’t count the number of people who come to me with a behavior problem that has been happening for months or even for years and years–it’s most often a life-change (a move, a new schedule, a new person in the home, or the desire for a new pet in...

Meet Foster Puppy, Jethro

We spent the morning making a video about our foster puppy, Jethro. We then spent the better part of the early afternoon fighting to get it to save and upload correctly. After a few reboots and such we finally have our video up and ready. So, here’s...

New Read-To-Tug Toys

I’ve been busy the last few days cutting fleece and getting started braiding some new “Ready To Tug” toys. These toys will go up in our store for people to browse and purchase tugs that are already made and are ready to ship. The cool thing about...