Tuesday Timeout

So, I was going to have the pups wear their Steeler Jerseys (our NFL team) during our demo (and with the chilly weather expected I may still have them wear some Steeler gear)… then I wanted to have them in some cute costume… then I was going to have Shayne...

Tricky Week

Well, this week will be devoted to a class graduation and preparing for my nosegames/tricks demos this coming weekend.  It should be a fun but busy weekend.  I’m trying to figure out just what all I’ll need to bring with me… and this list is just...

No more Premier, so now what?!

In 2010 Premier Pet Products, maker of Ez-Walk Harness, Tug-a-Jug, Busy Buddies toys, and many others, was sold to Radio Systems Corporation for some huge sum of money.  Radio Systems Corporation is one of the leading manufacturers of shock collars and other...

5 Ways You Can Train Like a "pro"

I’ve been trying to give all of my students some tips to improve their mechanical skills as trainers.  Over the last few sessions I have come up with my “5 Tips to Successful Training”.  These are just very simple changes in the mechanics that can...